Farooq Masih
Category: Business

47 year old Farooq Masih has an electronics repairing shop in Rawalpindi. Farooq has four children who are not of working age leaving Farooq as the sole earner of the family. The businessman once had a successful cable network in the area and earned good but some rivals shot him leading to the closure of his business. Farooq has suffered burdensome times during his bed rest but did not give up and started his electronics repairing shop to make ends meet. The distressed man is also suffering from tuberculosis and has to spend a portion on his treatment. He wants to purchase electronics spare parts for his shop to provide efficient services to the customers. Help Farooq obtain a loan of $350 to improve his economic conditions.

400,00 raised of 350,00

400,00 raised

Objectif 350,00

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