Amir Aslam
Category: Business

31 year old Amir Aslam runs a stationery shop in the tench area of Rawalpindi. He is father of 4 school going children and lives in a small house. The young man also works in a private company and drives an auto rickshaw during the night to make ends meet because of the escalating inflation. Amir earns most of his income through Photostat orders from schools in the area. His photocopying machine is an obsolete model and needs to be repaired every other day, increasing Amir’s expenses. Amir wants to purchase a new upgraded Photostat machine to increase the efficiency of his work and to increase orders. Help us provide Amir a loan of $660 so he can earn a better livelihood for his family.

660.00 raised of 660.00

660.00 raised

Goal 660.00
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